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PAGE B2 Winston Salem Journal Saturday July 21 2001 STATE METRO Metro Edition 3 I THE STR AIGHANSWEMWAMyWy SAM regularly handles questions and situa tions that require the help of the Better Busi ness Bureau People who want to investigate a company or have a complaint about a business should contact the office of the BBB closest to the com pany or organization David Dalrymple the president of the Better Business Bureau of Northwest North Carolina said that calling the BBB before doing business with a company can prevent trouble down the road often consumers call us until after had a problem here to help and want to help before the he said The bureau's Web site wwwnwncbbborg has prepurchase tips consumer information complaint submission forms local business re liability reports and access to a national data base of more than 2 million business reports This list has some of the most requested BBBs from the Southeast area or the address es of other offices call the local BBB The tele phone number for the local office of the Better Business Bureau is 725 8348 lorida BBB of West lorida PO Box 7950 Clear water 33758 (727) 535 5522 BBB of Northeast lorida 7820 Arlington Expressway No 147 Jacksonville 32211 (904) 721 2288 Georgia BBB of Southwest Georgia PO Box 808 Albany GA 31702 (229) 883 0744 BBB of Metropolitan Atlanta PO Box 2707 Atlanta GA 30349 (404) 766 0875 Maryland BBB of Greater Maryland 2100 Hunting don Ave Baltimore MD 21211 (410) 347 3990 Massachusetts BBB of Eastern Massachusetts Vermont and Maine 235 Central St Suite 1 Natick MA 01760 (508) 652 4800 North Carolina BBB of AshevilleWestern North Carolina One Pack Square Suite 1601 Asheville NC 28801 (828) 253 2392 BBB of Central North Carolina 3608 riendly Ave Greensboro NC 27410 (336) 852 4240 BBB of Eastern North Carolina 3125 Poplarwood Court Suite 308 Raleigh NC 27604 (919) 872 9240 BBB of the Southern Piedmont 5200 Park Road Suite 202 Charlotte NC 28209 (704) 527 0012 South Carolina BBB of Northeast Georgia Southeast South Carolina PO Box 2085 Augusta GA 30903 (706) 722 1574 BBB of Central South Carolina and Charleston Area PO Box 8326 Columbia SC 29202 (803) 254 2525 BBB of Coastal Carolina 1601 Oak St Suite 101 Myrtle Beach SC 29577 (800) 951 3569 Tennessee BBB of Southeast Tennessee and North west Georgia 1010 Market St Suite 200 Chat tanooga TN 37402 (423) 266 6144 BBB of Greater East Tennessee 1178 Blountville TN 37617 (423) 325 6616 BBB ofWest Tennessee North Mississippi and Eastern Arkansas PO Box 17036 Mem phis TN 38187 (901) 759 1300 BBB of NashvilleMiddle Tennessee PO Box 198436 Nashville TN 37219 (615) 242 4222 Virginia BBB of Central Virginia 701 ranklin St Suite 712 Richmond VA 23219 (804) 648 0016 BBB of Western Virginia 31 Campbell Ave Roanoke VA 24011 (540) 342 3455 I would like to donate some land to char ity How should I do it? DE A Donating property to a charity is more complicated than donating money Naturally the Internal Revenue Service takes a keen inter est in these transactions have to decide if the best plan is to do nate the property or sell the and do nate the money to charity Some charities are equipped to handle the complicated financial and tax problems associated with a gift of prop erty and some are not The IRS allows you to deduct the value of the property7 when filing a tax return if you donate it to a charitable organization that meets IRS guidelines Before you make a donation you should consult a tax adviser for specific instructions If you do not have a specific charity in mind you may want to contact the Better Business Bureau's Wise Giving Alliance The organization has information about specific charities and making donations The Web site is wwwgiveorg or you can call (703) 276 0100 Call: 727 7212 or toll free at (877) 727 7212 mail: AskSAMwsjournalcom Write: Ask SAM PO Box 3159 Winston Salem NC 27102 VIRGINIA LOTTERY DAY DRAWING RIDAY Pick 3: 3 3 8 Pick 4: 1 5 6 5 Cash 5: 11 18 25 27 30 NIGHT DRAWING RIDAY Pick 3: 9 2 3 Pick 4: 8 7 3 8 Cash 5: 1 4 6 10 21 Big Game: 14 34 384347 (15) SOURCE: VIRGINIA LOTTERY Battleship North Carolina to be renovated THE ASSOCIATED PRESS WILMINGTON The historic Battleship North Car olina may become a seagoing ship again when it heads to Virginia for a facelift Officials say that the 61 year old warship will have to be taken from its muddy berth of 40 years on the Wil mington waterfront to a dry dock for work on its hull is something that needs to be done" said Capt David Scheu the di rector of the battleship memorial and museum no getting around The 11770 ton ship has not been out of the water for maintenance since 1953 A state appointed commission of volunteers that oversees the memori al determined the cost of the renovation But the maintenance has been in cluded in a list of long term projects the commission raised $5 million for in the mid 1990s Members of the commission say that it may be six to eight years be fore renovations are made The ship will probably be taken to dry docks in Norfolk Va the closest shipyard that can accommodate the 729 foot ship The job would start with the ship being towed down the Cape ear River In dry dock with the hull out of the water workers would blast away paint add steel to thinning plates cover and seal leaking rivets and apply a protective coat of paint The process would take several months Afterward the ship would be towed back to the mouth of the river and back to downtown Wilmington The ship would be placed in a new spot when it returned Scheu said spending the kind of money we will to preserve the hull we cannot set it back on the mud he said what got us into this situation in the first place" In a July 11 letter to Mayor David Jones Scheu said that commission members have discussed berthing the battleship in the Cape ear River par allel to the western bank AP ILE PHOTO The battleship sits anchored on the Wilmington waterfront A Little Picnic in the Park A calf one of the first elk bom in the Great Smoky ley NC Twenty five elk eight of them pregnant Mountains in 100 years nurses in Cataloochee Vai were introduced into the park in May Story B6 4 'J i 1 si Investigation of MCNC to close nothing illegal found in stock deal THE ASSOCIATED PRESS RALEIGH Prosecutors say that there was nothing illegal in a stock deal that created millions in profit for two officers at MCNC an electronics center created with state money In a letter released Thursday two district attorneys said that a criminal investigation will be closed The letter came from Dis trict Attorneys Colon Willoughby of Wake County and James Hardin of Durham The deal that started the investi gation was the purchase of stock in Cronos Integrated Microsystems a spinoff of the nonprofit MCNC formerly called the Microelectron ics Center of North Carolina Two MCNC directors presi dent Bill Kress and chairman Sher wood Smith each bought 100000 shares of Cronos stock from MCNC for $50000 late in 1999 When Cronos was bought by JDS Uniphase months later the same stock was worth $4 million Kress is a former IBM executive and Smith is former chairman of Carolina Power Light Co "Neither the phenomenal rise nor subsequent fall in the value of Cronos could reasonably have been foreseen by the partici the letter said Legislators state officials and MCNC board members questioned the propriety of the stock transac tion and whether Kress and Smith reaped windfall profits at the ex pense of MCNC and state taxpay ers whose money created and kept the center running for years Willoughby said that the min utes from the MCNC board meet ings made it clear that Smith and Kress were going to buy their Cronos stock from hold ings He said that some board members may not have under stood what was happening According to board minutes Kress and Smith who were also Cronos board members report ed that Cronos investors asked them to put up their own money as a sign of good faith The MCNC board eventually approved their purchase of Cronos stock Results of an audit conducted by MCNC to determine if a fair market price was paid known The price of the stock was set by Cronos officials irePolice Briefs 2 charged in robbery of in Denton JOURNAL STA AND WIRE REPORT LEXINGTON Authorities ar rested two people this week in connection with several armed robberies in Davidson and Ran dolph counties Bennie Lee Mills 30 and Karen Hunt Anderson 27 both of Thomasville were charged with aiding and abetting in the robbery of the in Denton on June 15 said Davidson County Sheriff Ger ald Hege Authorities are still looking for Gary Lee Sampson 41 of Thomasville in connection with six bank robberies including the one in Denton two in Lexington and two in Archdale The rob beries occurred between May 17 and July 10 Davidson County deputies searched home Thursday after receiving a tip that she had drugs there Au thorities found drugs and a green bag containing $4000 in small bills and photos of Sampson Mills and Anderson are being held at the Davidson County Jail bond is set at $25000 An bond is set at $50000 ormer NC teacher in jail in indecent liberties case SPARTANBURG SC A Spar tanburg County man has been sentenced to 15 months in prison for taking indecent liberties with a female student at a North Carolina high school where he taught last year David Ballenger 47 main tained his innocence but accepted a plea agreement with prosecutors in Cleveland County NC Prose cutors said they had enough evi dence to convict the former teacher on four counts of taking indecent liberties with a student 16 or older and one count of tak ing indecent liberties with a child Before his pleas Ballenger faced 21 felony charges alleging sexual misconduct with a female student on school grounds at Kings Mountain High School where Ballenger was a history teacher and assistant football coach Prosecutors said that the of fenses occurred between April and September 2000 Cleveland County Assistant District Attorney Steve Kaylor said he approved the plea agreement because the student apparently was infatuated with Ballenger and occasionally initiated sexual con tact Ballenger will be on probation for five years after he is released from prison in North Carolina He cannot applv for anv position at a school in Norm Carolina during his probation and must register as a sex offen ler tr i Woman 63 pleads guilty in drug distribution case CHARLOTTESVILLE VA A Charlottesville woman who prose cutors said housed and fed city drug dealers while they sold crack cocaine out of her home pleaded guilty yesterday to conspiracy to distribute cocaine Mary Breckenridge 63 was one of 1 1 people arrested during an undercover sting last summer offi cials said According to an agree ment with prosecutors Brecken ridge pleaded guilty and was sentenced to 45 days in jail to be served on weekends The judge sus pended a five year prison sentence or four months in 1999 Breck enridge allowed drug deal to stay with her and sell crack cocaine from her property said Richard Moore the deputy com attorney for the city In exchange he said they in stalled a phone and paid the monthly bill paid her $5 a plate for food and supplied her with marijuana Moore said attorney Denise Lunsford said during the hear ing that her client knew they were selling drugs but had asked them to leave The pressure from the neighborhood and the young men three of the men arrested are her nephews led her to let them stay Lunsford said The Region Yadkin settles 2 claims over deaths JOURNAL STA AND WIRE REPORT YADKINVILLE County of ficials have released information about the settlement they made with the families of two men who were killed in a car accident involving a Yadkin Coun ty garbage truck The families of Colonel Martin Vestal and Vertle Jones Vestal will each receive $400000 from the coun liability insurance policy The families sued Yadkin County and Terry Wayne Key the driver of the garbage truck after the Oct 5 1999 ac cident Key was driving a three ton garbage truck on NC 67 when it over turned on the pickup driven by Vertle Vestal Both men were killed Key later pleaded guilty to two counts of careless and reckless driving to endanger someone's life and proper ty The county reached a settlement with the families in May but declined to release the settlement terms until now Court decision stands to let Thomasville annex Hasty Pilot THOMASVILLE The Hasty and Pilot communities will become part of Thomasville by Sept 1 ending a six year annexation battle between county residents and the city The NC Supreme Court denied a request yesterday by annexation foes to review a lower court's decision that upheld annexation plan The request was one of the last at tempts by residents in those commu nities to stop the annexation The news comes just days after city officials found out that the NC Court of Appeals also upheld its annexation plan for air Grove a community south of Thomasville The two annexations were once linked and together they could bring in more than 3000 people and almost 4000 acres into the city limits City officials said they are pleased with the news and are gearing up to provide services to the two communi ties The city is prepared to provide the annexed areas with fire and police pro tection There is a fire station near the communities and the police depart ment recently hired 10 officers to pa trol the area Thomasville has also begun plans to extend its sewer line said City Manager Roger Bryant Candidate filings continue for fall municipal elections The following candidates have filed to run for office in municipal elections this fall Clemmons: Incumbent William McGee Jr has filed seeking a fourth term as mayor William Roberson has filed for one of three seats on the village council that will be filled in the next election Jim Courson also filed for a seat on the village council The two candidates who receive the most votes will serve four years terms The third place candidate will serve a two year term The mayor will serve for two years Kernersville: Incumbent BJ El lender has filed for a second term on the board of aidermen Keith Hooker also filed for a seat on the board Voters will choose candidates for mayor and all five seats on the board All terms run for two years Lewisville: Incumbent Dan Pugh has filled for a third term on the town council Challenger Larry Sowers also filed for a seat Six council members will be elected at large for two year terms Tobaccoville: Lena rance Hauser and George Manuel filed for four year terms on the village council I VIRGINIA LOTTERY.
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