Nyx, The primordial Greek Goddess of Night and Shadows (2024)

Nyx is the goddess of Night and Shadows. She was born at the beginning of the world, an ancient and cosmic deity (first-born) that was feared even by Zeus. Nyx had many children and her quarters were in Tartarus. Her symbols are agate, black animals, moonstone, and shadows

Key Facts

Family tree

OffspringAether, Hemera, Moros, Apate, Dolos, Lyssa, Hypnos, Thanatos, Philotes, Geras, Eris, Oizys, Momus, Nemesis, The Goddess of Retribution, the Keres, the Moirai, the Hesperides, the Erinyes, and the Oneiroi

Names & Others

Roman NameNox
Other NamesNykta
Ancient GreekΝύξ
The Goddess ofNight, and shadows
SymbolsAgate, black animals, dark mists, moonstone, shadows, and black wings

Nyx’s Origins

Out of nothingness came Chaos, and from Chaos Erebus and (dark) Nyx were born. Έκ Χάεος δ᾽ Ἔρεβός τε μέλαινά τε Νὺξ ἐγένοντο. Engulfing Gaia, Nyx held the world together with her sibling and later consort, Erebus. Darkness was prevalent, but only for a short while as Nyx mated with Erebus and gave birth to the bright Aether and the clear Hemera, goddess of Day.

Nyx, The primordial Greek Goddess of Night and Shadows (1)

The Orphic Tradition states that Nyx is the first and foremost entity from which all life sprang. She lives inside a dark cave with Phanes (a mystical deity believed to have created life as is commonly known) where a chained Cronus gives prophecies through his dreams.

Nyx in the Greek mythology

Nyx’s story

The Night goddess was thought to be the first child of Chaos instead of Gaia. Although Hesiod places Mother Earth among Chaos’ first five offspring, Nyx, mainly because of her ethereal and otherworldly nature, was revered as the primary of the first-born deities. She is often depicted as a young woman with black feathered wings and only a black cloak (filled with stars) or a dark mist covering her naked body.

Nyx (Night) resides in Tartarus and comes out each time her daughter Hemera (Day) descends into the abyss. When Hemera leaves Tartarus Nyx returns and they meet only for a few moments on the bronze threshold because the Great House cannot hold them both at the same time.

In another tale, Hera asks Hypnos, the son of Nyx, to put Zeus to sleep and thus avoid helping Heracles, The Strongest Hero. Zeus finds out about this mischief and is so enraged he almost lashes out at the culprit. Fearful of Zeus’ wrath, Hypnos runs and hides in her mother’s bosom. The king of the gods may be angry, but he’s not a fool, and so he does absolutely nothing as he dares not to provoke the great and powerful goddess Nyx.

Nyx’s offspring

Nyx, in union with Erebus, birthed Aether and Hemera, expanding the celestial lineage. However, Nyx independently bore a host of other entities, each embodying distinct facets of life’s tapestry. Among them, Hypnos stands as the god of Sleep, with siblings like Moros (Doom), Thanatos (Death), and the tribe of Oneiroi (Dreams) exploring other existential realms. Momus (Blame) and Oizys (Misery) reflect the challenges faced in the mortal coil, while the Hesperides, along with the Moirai (Fates), add a touch of mystique and destiny to the family tree.

The family tree also include Nemesis (Retribution), a symbol of cosmic justice, Apate (Deceit) representing falsehood, and Philotes (Friendship) embodying the warmth of companionship. Geras (Old Age) and Eris (Discord) further depict life’s inevitable progression and the occasional discord. The Erinyes and the Keres, often associated with vengeance and death respectively, add a darker hue to the diverse palette of Nyx’s offspring.

This eclectic family, each member representing a unique aspect of the human condition, makes Hypnos’ lineage a fascinating reflection of life’s myriad experiences, painting a vivid picture of ancient beliefs surrounding sleep and other fundamental life phenomena.

Games with Nyx

Test your knowledge about Nyx and other primordial gods of Ancient Greece with this fun quiz:

Don’t forget to try out our other games as well! For example, this game – where you can find out which Greek god or goddess you are!

Nyx’s worship

Those who followed the Orphic Tradition worshipped Nyx as the giver of all life. They would sacrifice black animals for her by burning and burying them in the ground, always during nighttime. Yet, Nyx, in a fashion similar to that of her obscure nature, mysteriously attracted the ancient Greeks and Romans. Although there were no temples dedicated to her she was revered by people alongside other major gods. Many statues of the goddess of the Night and references to her name were made in the old days.


Nyx means Night. The word is a derivative of an ancient root that means the same thing. In Greek, it also signifies the Darkness that Night brings and with it Sleep and the terrible shadowy Death.

Roles and Responsibilities

Nyx main role was to bring the Night over the world and the desired rest to those who have toiled during the day. Her dark countenance didn’t really point to something sinister rather than express her hidden and mysterious character. Nyx was (is) a cosmic and principal entity that gave birth to many wonderful and also frightful children. Nyx’s dualism shows that the Night is neither good nor evil, but both.

In the old texts


Nyx, The primordial Greek Goddess of Night and Shadows (2)

Nyx is mentioned in Hesiod’s Theogony, Homer’s Iliad, Aristophanes’ Birds, and Argonautica among other works.

Pausanias writes about an oracle of Nyx at the acropolis of the town of Megara.

The second Orphic Hymn is dedicated to Nyx.

Night, parent goddess, source of sweet repose,
from whom at first both Gods and men arose,
Hear, blessed Kypris, decked with starry light,
in sleep’s deep silence dwelling Ebon night!
Dreams and soft case attend thy dusky train,
pleased with the lengthened gloom and fitful strain.
Dissolving anxious care, the friend of Mirth,
with darkling coursers riding round the earth.
Goddess of phantoms and of shadowy play,
whose drowsy power divides the natural day:
By Fate’s decree you constant send
the light to deepest hell, remote from mortal sight
For dire Necessity which naught withstands,
invests the world with adamantine bands.
Be present, Goddess, to thy suppliant’s prayer,
desired by all, whom all alike revere,
Blessed, benevolent, with friendly aid dispel
the fears of Twilight’s dreadful shade.


Nyx is alluded to in Virgil’s Aeneid, and Ovid’s Fasti.


Why Nyx was (is) so revered?

The unknown and sometimes the fear of it is what made people in the old days to think of the Night as a great goddess. After dusk, the dark mists of Nyx swarm the sky and plunge the land into darkness. Humans standing alone under a starry dome couldn’t bring themselves not to raise their heads and look with awe at the wondrous vastness of the world.

How strong is the Night (Nyx)?

As one of Chaos’ offspring, Nyx is a very powerful deity. She is considered superior to Gaia and Uranus despite not being as eminent as they are. To be able to make others fear you, even the great king of the gods Zeus, surely makes Nyx a dominant entity.

Featured Image Credit: Henri Fantin-Latour, Public domain, via Wikimedia Commons

Nyx, The primordial Greek Goddess of Night and Shadows (2024)
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