Hickory Daily Record from Hickory, North Carolina (2025)

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STATE HICKORY DAILY Wed August 18 1999 SA' Companies receiving tax breaks remain hidden Hearings on hog odor rules to begin this week RALETCxM A Tnmnnrnrv moot il HWY 70 Catawba urniture Mall ALL REGISTRATION The Associated Press Jessica Smith CON SALE! Ik Stop In To See Ue! Sean Roebuck ond Co NEWS BRIES Levi's PINDOT BERBER Going To The Mountains? Open Mon Sat til 7 pm (closed Sunday only) ONLY $600 AST A AORDABLE RcScRVAhGNS accepted OR PARTIES IVE OR MORE CALL 324 5540 PRIVATE ROOM AVAILABLE! Great Selection Of Jr Missy ashions IT'S NOT ROCKET SCIENCE YOU ONLY HAVE ONE HOUR OR LUNCH! CORNERSTONE CAE'S LUNCH SALAD BAR AND HOT PASTA BUET AVAILABLE MONDAY RIDAY 1 1:00 2:00 mal farms in the state that fall under these rules Of those 2371 are hog farms 286 are cattle farms and 36 are poultry farms Seneca said The rules specify seven man agement practices that farmers must follow or instance those using waste in spray irrigation systems are not be allowed to spray if winds would cause the wastewater to drift off site ven tilation fans must be maintained according to the specifications and feed con tainers outside the buildings must be covered If a farm using these initial regulations is still found to be causing the owner or operator will be re quired to prepare a more de tailed plan for odor control New or modified animal operations would automatically be required to prepare a plan If the best management plan is not effective the farmer may be required to install a technologi cal odor control system The hearings are scheduled for today at Rose High School ment Commission and the Div ision of Air Quality have sched uled four public hearings this week on the permanent version of temporary rules which have been in place since March 1 The two sets of rules differ very little said Tom Mather spokesman for the Division of Air Quality The rules establish manage ment practices for all animal farms in the state that use la goons and spray fields to dispose of waste and that meet certain size thresholds They apply to farms that have at least 250 hogs 100 cattle 75 horses 1000 sheep or 30000 chickens or tur keys Ernie Seneca spokesman with the Division of Water Quality said there are about 2700 ani Get the best in the hottest fashions for the whole family We are the source for those who want famous brands without having to spend their whole budget! State law provides broad pro tections to taxpayers to prevent state agencies from releasing identifying information from tax returns tax audits taxpayer list ings or licenses for which a tax is imposed Amanda Martin a lawyer for the NC Press Association said the law clearly provides state of ficials with some cover to keep information about the Lee act secret even though it is a murky area Critics however argue the secrecy rules are aimed primar ily at the Department of Rev enue which oversees tax collec tions Under the Lee Act the Commerce Department exam ines applications for job credits and issues certificates to eligible businesses which then file the certificates with their corporate income tax application data should be available to the public be cause they have that before any tax return is said Dan Gerlach director of the NC Budget and Tax Center have argued to Secretary Carlisle that applied for the tax breaks Officials at the state Depart ment of Commerce which over sees the application process say the information is confidential under North tax secrecy laws and cannot be re leased to the public just being careful that we not run afoul of the law" Commerce Secretary Rick Carlisle said in a recent inter view not our position that we are trying not to do this our position we are prohibited from doing 2730 Hickory Blvd Hwy 321 Hudson (Just North of Caldwell Comm College) Phone 727 6725 entitled to a reimbursement check Gov Jim Hunt said He said less than one half what officials originally thought administration would cost Womble Carlyle will identify and locate an estimated 100000 tobacco farmers and quota holders in North Carolina Classes Begin Sept 7th Instructor: Rhonda Lamberth BALLET TAP JAZZ Ages 3 And Up National Award Winners! ENROLL NOW! CALL 464 2118 Studio Location: Hwy 70 Catawba Valley Shopping Center Member Professional Dance Teachers Assoc auditorium in Greenville Aug "1 25 at the Cumberland County Coliseum Complex Agri Expo Center in ayetteville Aug 30 at the Sampson County Agri Expo sition Center in Clinton and Sept 1 at the Mooresville Citizen Center in Mooresville All hear ingsbeginat7pm ree Heannff ret Smite on all Makes and Models Customer satisfaction uuatantees all of this information concern ing the Bill Lee Act should be easily available to the public These people are getting public In 1997 North Carolina gave more than $10 million in tax' breaks to companies under the Lee act which was passed in 1996 to spur economic growth and attract major industries particularly in poor rural areas The legislation has been by supporters as an economic savior for rural North Carolina but condemned by opponents as corporate welfare 302 4th Street SW Hickory NC 322 9323 830 am Ou pin Monday riday Invisa the hidden heanng aid now digitally programmable AMOUS BRANDS SUCH AS: Carhart Pines YOU CAN COUNT ON SEARS OR SATISACTION GUARANTEED OR YOUR MONEY BACK CHAMtt DTAAJ ottered) AroUoW for guobhod pxchom kri Card forma: Annual porconfoa rafo APR) tt Um wuif MW 23991 poymann ar not mode in tvnaN monw lor 2 eomacuttva brlrna cydat APR mov ncaoa Io 2ft or on the account im than 2399 Ottw APRt mav ba oHrd lor oromohonal ponod Mtmmum monthly Hnonea chya of 50 MOraChorgt PLUS forma Annual prcnoo raa a AR Kft of 8 99 but rota may orv 400 itranum purthou quddymaartnorxBf raguwrad to opart a SaortCnoma PIUS account SvtHOrjueni mtmmvm purchoao amount OO Not ovotobi PR Saari Homa APR 149 1 paymanh or not moda a tanaty mannar for 2 contocutrra Mmg cycia tha APR moy mcraoM to9fc Oae APR may ba oHarad for promotional panodt Saori Carrf' SoooChoroe PLUS ond Stan Mom improromonf occounti uuad Saari Nchonat Bank C99foan Roabuft andCo Summer Clearance NOW IN PROGRESS! ASHIONS INC ''iriWiMV PLUSH plus all carpet on sale sdve'15 30 Your price includes: Lifetime warranted installation" irst quality padding In home measurina Basic furniture moving Pull up of old taddeu carpet i kufotedprrej bused on a minimum purhasjfapting ond indudo our 56ddpad(urdmitfrmMinical MonwIeudxlKipoddpixdxnM ExxpfiondMakm Carp Buy rrfIM Month ond ourWrtm 71 ArtfT rtnrf OH teendiLin IA ifi in nJ Silk 11 1 ZERO for one year or 10 cash back mail in rebate an niea floor ccwnng purctxjses ower J5CX1 bto bffing no payments no finance charge until August 2000 when you use your Sears card Offer exdudes Exceptional Values Carpet Buy of the Month speed purchases decorator rugs labor and outlet stores Rebate offer good through August 28 1999 Mugusf zi ixyx oee below See store for rebate details I ClVIIlffllT RALEIGH (AP) Taxpayers MJ III VII I who want to learn more about il I The impact of a law under which CATTIAC I orto Carolina has handed out VV III Vv tens of millions of dollars in tax breaks to corporations will find a bribery case than $85000 Mecklenburg A North Carolinians County will not sue the forme? know4wkhlch compan county elections director in I nr hnw reSeive tax breaks volved in a corruption scandal mUCh each has received The county also agreed not state officials even refuse tn to sue a voting machine repair disclose which companies have man and a voting machine I salesman Those two and for I mer elections director Bill I Culp pleaded guilty last year to charges in the case The $85600 payment rep I resents the remainder of thn Hen oriri i I DAT ftjjouv mdi umciais oeneve Amumun tar lemporary Culp received in kickbacks and rules to control odor from hog bribes from the two men since I farms will get an airing out this 1990 and that the county over I week as public hearings are held paid for election related scr on whether to make the rules vices and supplies permanent About $73700 of the I Hog producers think $159300 was paid by Culp and every hog farm should fall under salesman Ed O'Day in May a new set of mandates just be I cause some farms are having New UNCG degree OdOr problems said Beth Anne I Mumford spokeswoman for the Historic preservation North Carolina Pork Council GREENSBORO The farms seem to tend to state's first graduate program have more Mumford said in historic preservation and ut doe Rudek senior scientist museum studies is being ere the Environmental Defense ated by two departments at the I und said more than just a University of North Carolina at smelly issue Greensboro "The problems that cause odor The UNCG departments of aso cause a number of other history and house and interior I problems" Rudek said design will begin enrolling The Environmental Manage students in the special concen tration in fall 2000 A foun dation grant of $107500 will UJ! I Winston Salem law firm to administer tnhaccn funrl duce graduate wh huvniho I IMIIU skills and knowledge necessary I RALEIGH (AP) A Winston to work in preservation and Salem based law firm will re museum positions ceive $3 million a year to admin ister a fund that will distribute a I to i 3 1 MfiTAPftufMA cnc I UUUUI1 LODdcco tarrners and muiuivylie gang quota holders members arrested Womble Carlyle Sandridge and CHARLOTTE Eleven 7'11 handle the fund at a members of the Outlaws I cost of about for each person Motorcycle Club of North Carolina were arrested Tues day by federal state and local law enforcement officers on racketeering firearms and drug conspiracy charges An indictment was returned on Aug 4 by a federal grand jury it remained sealed until arrests were made Tuesday The indictment charged indi viduals described by authori ties as current or former mem bers of the gang with con spiracy to distribute methamphetamine LSD co caine marijuana and Valium 4 drantor run ond labor i SEARS 4 Come tee the (nony sides of Sear MEm Ig? Is) copntp i I Ho I 1 I an 1 I VV 1 Wll ikyya 1 TT xqo KSiflfodM A DESIGNER LOOP 1 rz zfl cards JBEZ" "MM iwuad by Sean We oteo welcor KIkel STATE ff.

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Hickory Daily Record from Hickory, North Carolina (2025)
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Author: Tuan Roob DDS

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Name: Tuan Roob DDS

Birthday: 1999-11-20

Address: Suite 592 642 Pfannerstill Island, South Keila, LA 74970-3076

Phone: +9617721773649

Job: Marketing Producer

Hobby: Skydiving, Flag Football, Knitting, Running, Lego building, Hunting, Juggling

Introduction: My name is Tuan Roob DDS, I am a friendly, good, energetic, faithful, fantastic, gentle, enchanting person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.