Best Standard Decks: The Voyage to the Sunken City Tier List (2024)


Tier List for Classic Decks

  • S Tier
    • Questline Pirate Warrior
    • Naga Ramp Druid
  • A Tier
    • Mech Mage
    • Naga Fel Demon Hunter
    • Pirate Rogue
  • B Tier
    • Questline-Hunter
    • Mech Paladin
    • Shellfish Mill Priest
    • Naga Mage
    • Burn Shaman
  • C Tier
    • Murloc Warlock
    • Switcheroo Priest


S Tier


Questline Pirate Warrior

Questline Warrior Deck Guide

Questline Warrior was a menace on the ladder for a large past of the pastyear and continues to do so with the release of Voyage to the Sunken City. Withmany powerful new Pirates added, the deck is stronger than ever before,granting it a place in S tier.

Questline Warrior is a twist on Aggro Pirate Warrior decks. It uses aconstant stream of Pirates to pressure opponents with the added bonus ofthe Cap'n Rokara and The Juggernaut rewards from theRaid the Docks Questline as an inevitable win condition to close outlonger games.


Naga Ramp Druid

Naga Ramp Druid Deck Guide

The addition of the Naga Giant to the game was a natural fit forRamp Druids, providing a natural way to swing back onto the board after playinga large number of spells while the new spell, Miracle Growth, offersthe deck a way to gain a board presence while refilling its hand. These newadditions paired with the newly unnerfed Nourish to replaceOvergrowth allow the deck to be stronger than ever and perhaps themost feared deck at high Legend ranks, granting it a strong S-tier rank.

Naga Ramp Druid is a variant of the many "Guff" Druid iterations that aimsto gain excessive amounts of Mana Crystals and subsequently uses the Mana todominate opponents. This variant in particular utilises Naga Giants toswing back onto the board after spending large amounts of Mana ramping up.


A Tier


Mech Mage

Mech Mage has returned to the game for the first time since theGoblins vs Gnomes expansion. The new iteration of the deck is stronger thanever thanks to the addition of powerful new cards from the latest expansionlike Mecha-Shark, Seafloor Gateway, andGaia, the Techtonic to name a few, allowing the deck to pull off arange of different strategies to win the game. The deck narrowly missed out onbeing S tier only due to the dominance of the current S-tier decks.

Mech Mage is a Midrange deck that, as the name suggests, uses a range ofMech minions to flood the board. The synergy between the minions allow the deckto develop strong boards, have large burst damage from hand, and be able togenerate almost limitless resources resulting in a well-rounded deck.


Naga Fel Demon Hunter

Naga Fel Demon Hunter Deck Guide

The addition of the Naga tribe naturally synergises with the Fel DemonHunter deck, allowing the deck to rise through the tier list with the latestexpansion. The deck is incredibly strong with no particularly bad matchups,however it is not as flexible as some of the other decks it competes with deckslike Mech Mage and Naga Ramp Druid, preventing it from reacing S tier.

Naga Fel Demon Hunter uses a mix of Nagas and their natural synergy withspells to be a high-tempo deck capable of aggressively dominating the boardwhile also having access to significant amounts of direct damage. The deck'sspells are almost entirely Fel Spells, allowing the use ofJace Darkweaver as a powerful finisher.


Pirate Rogue

Pirate Rogue Deck Guide

With the addition of the strongest neutral Pirates the game has ever seen,Pirate Rogue is the second Pirate archetype to greatly benefit from the latestexpansion. While the deck may not quite be as strong as Pirate Warrior variants,due to not having as strong of a Pirate infrastructure going into the expansion,Pirate Rogue has access to many of its own unique and powerful Pirate cards likeSwordfish, Cutlass Courier and Azsharan Vessel toearn itself a spot in A tier.

Pirate Rogue is an aggressive deck that uses a mix of Weapons and Piratesto populate and dominate the early-game board before using the resultant tempomixed with some direct damage to finish off opponents.


B Tier


Questline Hunter

Questline Hunter Deck Guide

Questline Hunter is another deck that has benefited from the release of theNaga Tribe, offering strong synergies with the spells naturally played by thedeck. However, the deck is still greatly limited by the time taken to completethe Questline, limiting the strength of the deck and preventing it fromrising above B tier.

Questline Hunter is a spell deck that utilises theDefend the Dwarven District Questline. By continually making use ofdamage spells, the Questline eventually unlocks Tavish, Master Marksman toadd a free Hero Power to every spell played, allowing the deck to swiftly burndown opponents after the Questline's completion.


Mech Paladin

Mech Paladin Deck Guide

The Mech Paladin archetype was reborn with the release of Voyage to theSunken City expansion, gaining a range of powerful class-specific and neutralminions. While the archetype is excellent at developing powerful boards, itlacks versatility compared to Mech Mage, making it more vulnerable to removalas well as struggling to retake control of the board, resulting in a B-tierrating.

Mech Paladin is a board-heavy deck that uses Mech synergies to constantlydevelop a board of strong minions. The archetype makes full use of handbuffsand Divine Shields to create wave after wave of powerful minions that are verydifficult to remove, overwhelming almost any opponent with access to hardremoval.


Shellfish Mill Priest

Shellfish Mill Priest Deck Guide

Shellfish Mill Priest is a niche deck with a new take on defeating opponentswith fatigue damage. The deck card be particularly effective but isincredibly difficult to execute. However, the deck has a lot of potential asplayers learn and improve with it, with a huge benefit of having a veryfavoured matchup against the abundant Druid decks on ladder.

Shellfish Mill Priest is a combo deck that takes full advantage ofSelfish Shellfish by generating multiple copies of the card throughoutthe game before utilising Xyrella, the Devout to repeat all of theDeathrattles and force opponents into drawing excessive amounts of cards.


Naga Mage

Naga Mage Deck Guide

Naga Mage is an excellent deck on paper, having great synergies between itsminions and spells and feel very natural. The deck is also capable of pullingoff incredible turns with the use of Spitelash Siren. Despite this,the deck often lacks a clear win condition and generally relies on winning bythe sheer amount of Mana it has access to, resulting in the deck only making itto B tier.

The Naga Mage archetype features the perfect balance between minions andspells, constantly alternating between the two to activate synergies thatcan be used to deal damage, populate the board, and generate cards. The deck'strue strength lies with the Spitelash Siren cards, allowing provingaccess to almost limitless Mana for turns full of massive damage and strongboard development that will defeat any opponent without an immediate response.


Burn Shaman

Burn Shaman Deck Guide

Burn Shaman is an explosive deck capable of dealing massive amounts of damageto opponents with the recent addition of Bioluminescence. However, thedeck is incredibly difficult to play correctly and can have inconsistentresults due to the nature of Bioluminescence plays. While the deck is stillsolid, it feels like it is missing a strong card or two to make it beyondB tier.

Burn Shaman uses core Midrange Freeze Shaman cards to fight for boardcontrol and slow down opponents as it aims to draw through its deck. Shouldopponents fail to keep the deck under control, it can make use ofBioluminescence on its board for large amounts of spell damage andpair them with cheap damage spells like Scalding Geyser andLightning Bolt.


C Tier


Murloc Warlock

Murloc Warlock Deck Guide

Murloc Warlock gained a range of new tools to revive the archetype in theVoyage to the Sunken City expansion. With new handbuff cards likeChum Bucket, the archetype has the option of playing longer gamesusing big Murlocs as well as more traditionally flooding the board with cheapminions. However, the deck still heavily relies on winning through board controlwith minimal comeback mechanics, making this Murloc deck weaker than rivalMech decks, keeping the deck in C tier.

Murloc Warlock is an aggressive tribal deck that makes use of Murloc'stribal synergies to generate strong boards that can snowball out of controlwith each and every Murloc played. Through the use of handbuff mechanics,modern Murloc Warlock can play longer games than more traditional builts, butit still benefits most from using its early board presences to rush downopponents.


Switcheroo Priest

Switcheroo Priest Deck Guide

Switcheroo Priest is a gimmicky deck that can offer a fun experience stealingwins, but offers minimal strategy beyond its initial combo. While the deck'sinitial combo is strong, it is vulnerable to failing if the wrong cards aredrawn or if opponents are able to remove the initial minion played. Despite thedeck having a chance to beat anything, it has a very low floor and is not capableof making it beyond C tier in its current state.

Switcheroo Priest is a unique deck that aims to utilise theSwitcheroo card in a deck containing 1 cheap minion and 1 minion withhuge stats, fully committing to winning via a single powerfulminion played very early. The deck is capable of stealing wins often and againstany deck, but can struggle greatly if its combo fails.



  • 16 Apr. 2022: Shellfish Priest added to the tier list.
  • 15 Apr. 2022: Tier list has been updated for the Voyage to the Sunken City expansion.
  • 11 Dec. 2021: Tier list has been updated for the Fracured in Alterac Valley expansion.
  • 06 Nov. 2011: Tier list has been updated for The Deadmines miniset.
  • 06 Aug. 2021: Tier list has been updated for the United in Stormwind expansion.
  • 17 May 2021: Tier list has been updated for the 20.2.2 balance patch.
  • 14 Apr. 2021: Tier list has been updated for the 20.0.2 balance patch.
  • 06 Apr. 2021: Token Druid added to the tier list. Ratings for Secret Paladin and Celestial Druid adjusted.
  • 03 Apr. 2021: Aggro Demon Hunter, Deathrattle Demon Hunter, and Spell Priest added to the tier list.
  • 02 Apr. 2021: Guide added.

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Best Standard Decks: The Voyage to the Sunken City Tier List (2024)
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Author: Rob Wisoky

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Name: Rob Wisoky

Birthday: 1994-09-30

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Job: Education Orchestrator

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Introduction: My name is Rob Wisoky, I am a smiling, helpful, encouraging, zealous, energetic, faithful, fantastic person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.