ARK: Survival Evolved Valguero Map Guide: Resource Locations, Bosses, & Dinos (2025)

On July 19, 2019, the world of ARK: Survival Evolved became a bit bigger with the addition of the new and free DLC, Valguero. This 63-square-kilometer map has new biomes to explore, new resources to gather, and new dinosaurs to fight and/or tame. It also has a challenging arena wherein players must defeat three bosses that spawn simultaneously.Here we'll break down everything you need to know about the ARK: Survival Evolved Valguero map from its resource locations to its bosses and other dinos. So let's jump in!

Valguero Environmental Features & Layout

ARK: Survival Evolved Valguero Map Guide: Resource Locations, Bosses, & Dinos (1)Like other ARK: Survival Evolved maps, Valguero offers unique environmental features to separate it from other environments. Players can expect to encounter the following regions and environmental effects when exploring this map:

  • Rainbows in the sky
  • Auroras and shooting stars appearing in the night sky occasionally
  • Freezing air in the snow desert
  • Dinosaur corpses along the lake
  • An underground volcanic nest of Wyverns
  • The Abyss – an underground ocean
  • Aberration trench cave – an underground biome
  • The Unknown – a radiation-filled area

Valguero Resource Locations

The release of Valguero also brings resources unique to this map. These materials are available for players to gather and even use them to craft specific items and gear.Below is a list of notable Valguero resources and their locations on the map:


Generally, players must use 2x Obsidian and 2x Cementing Paste at the Fabricator to craft Polymer. However, you can also visit Valguero to harvest this resource from the wild. The locations of this material on the map are:

  • 5 LAT, 9 LON
  • 7 LAT, 1 LON
  • 7 LAT, 2 LON

Also called Silica Pearls, you can typically find these items at the bottom of the ocean and in underwater caves. Valguero has bodies of water wherein you can find these pearls.Your hunt for Silica Pearls can start at 6 LAT, 5 LON. But you can also go to 42 LAT, 53 LON, which is at the bottom of the river. Here, follow the long trail of pearls and collect as many as possible.

Cementing Paste

ARK players can gather Cementing Paste in different ways, such as using a Beelzebufo to eat insects to produce the material. Alternatively, you can travel to Valguero to collect this resource from different beaver dams littered across the map.For starters, you can travel to 2 LAT, 4 LON. Then, go to 39 LAT, 16 LON to find multiple beaver dams along the water channel.


In Valguero, players can find Oil in drills and oil pumps. Finding these resource-gathering points requires you to dig the Oil from them. On the other hand, you can also find Oil on coasts, riversides, and in the lake.You can start your search for this item in Valguero by heading to 9 LAT, 7 LON. Then, travel to the map’s snow biome, particularly at 18 LAT, 89 LON, for additional Oil harvest points.


Generally found with Obsidians, Crystals often appear in clusters at the foot and slope of Valguero’s cliffs and mountains. You’ll typically find these precious minerals at the following locations:

  • 0 LAT, 1 LON
  • 3 LAT, 9 LON
  • 14 LAT, 82 LON
  • 81 LAT, 75 LON

Prepare your heat-resistant gear when gathering Sulfur in Valguero, for you’ll generally find it near volcanoes. You can also find it in Wyvern-infested areas, so prepare for possible combat. Your best bet to find Sulfur in the Valguero map is inside Wyvern Scar at 8 LON, 77 LAT.

Raw Salt

Mainly used to craft Preserving Salt, you can find Raw Salt in a canyon in Valguero. The coordinates for this location are 78 LAT, 90 LON. You’ll know if you’re at the right place if you see steep hills covered in the material.

Cactus Sap

Gather Cactus Sap from cacti in different locations on the Valguero map. Thankfully, this ARK expansion map has sufficient cacti to harvest the sap, as long as you know where to look. The best coordinates to find cacti in Valguero are at 84 LAT, 69 LON and 82 LAT, 88 LON.

Valguero Bosses Guide: Location, Fight Tips, & Loot Table

Up for a challenge while staying in Valguero? If so, travel to the Forsaken Oasis to fight three bosses – the Dragon, Manticore, and Megapithecus – simultaneously.

Entering the Arena

Before starting this difficult challenge, you must bring the necessary items to teleport to the arena. The tribute requirements are as follows:

Item RequiredGammaBetaAlpha
Allosaurus Brain51015
Argentavis Talon5815
Artifact of the Brute1N/A1
Artifact of the Crag1N/A1
Artifact of the Cunning11N/A
Artifact of the Destroyer1N/A1
Artifact of the Devourer1N/AN/A
Artifact of the GatekeeperN/AN/A1
Artifact of the ImmuneN/A1N/A
Artifact of the Pack1N/AN/A
Artifact of the Skylord1N/AN/A
Artifact of the StrongN/A1N/A
Giganotosaurus HeartN/AN/A2
Sarcosuchus Skin5810
Sauropod Vertebra58N/A
Titanoboa Venom5510
Tyrannosaurus ArmN/A1015


The fight begins a few moments after you teleport into the arena. Here, you’ll almost immediately see the Dragon and Manticore charging at you.Start the fight by getting your creatures ready, but also watch your surroundings. Otherwise, you might find yourself surrounded by Dimorphodons and Pteranodons.As for the Megapithecus, it usually won’t join the fight until provoked. So, use this opportunity to focus your attacks on the two bosses before concentrating on the Megapithecus.


Defeating the three bosses will yield the following loot:

  • Dragon: Element 40/110/220, Dragon Flag, and Dragon Trophy
  • Manticore: Element 25/90/190, Manticore Flag, Manticore Shield Skin, Manticore Trophy, Manticore Boots Skin, Manticore Chestpiece Skin, Manticore Gauntlets Skin, and Manticore Leggings Skin
  • Megapithecus: Element 25/55/110, Gorilla Flag, and Megapithecus Trophy


Aside from the rewards mentioned above, defeating the three bosses in the Forsaken Oasis arena grants victorious survivors the following unlocks:

  • Gamma: Behemoth Tek Gate, Behemoth Tek Gateway, Megalodon Tek Saddle, Tapejara Tek Saddle, Tek Gauntlets, Tek Generator, Tek Hatchframe, Tek Leggings, Tek Replicator, Tek Trapdoor, Tek Trough, Tek Window, and Tek Windowframe,
  • Beta: Behemoth Tek Gate, Behemoth Tek Gateway, Megalodon Tek Saddle, Tapejara Tek Saddle, Tek Dinosaur Gate, Tek Dinosaur Gateway, Tek Door, Tek Doorframe, Tek Forcefield, Tek Gauntlets, Tek Generator, Tek Hatchframe, Tek Leggings, Tek Replicator, Tek Rifle, Tek Transmitter, Tek Trapdoor, Tek Trough, Tek Window, Tek Windowframe, and Vacuum Compartment
  • Alpha: Behemoth Tek Gate, Behemoth Tek Gateway, Cloning Chamber, Megalodon Tek Saddle, Rex Tek Saddle, Tapejara Tek Saddle, Tek Chestpiece, Tek Dinosaur Gate, Tek Dinosaur Gateway, Tek Door, Tek Doorframe, Tek Forcefield, Tek Gauntlets, Tek Generator, Tek Grenade, Tek Hatchframe, Tek Leggings, Tek Replicator, Tek Rifle, Tek Teleporter, Tek Transmitter, Tek Trapdoor, Tek Trough, Tek Window, Tek Windowframe, Vacuum Compartment, and Vacuum Compartment Moonpool

Tip: If you found this fight tougher than expected, read our ARK fast leveling guide to help you gain the upper hand.

Unique Valguero Dinos & Creatures

Valguero in ARK: Survival Evolved is home to three unique creatures: the Chalk Golem, Ice Golem, and Deinonychus.The Chalk and Ice Golems are variations of the Rock Elemental. Note that there aren’t any differences between the Rock Elemental and its Golem counterparts except their colors.As for the Deinonychus, this raptor-like dinosaur is an aggressive carnivore usually found in different places on the map. You can typically find this creature stealing eggs. But prepare yourself for a tough fight if you encounter one because it’s pretty strong and can kill any unprepared survivor quickly.Aside from the information mentioned in this post, you can also watch the ARK: Survival Evolved Valguero announcement trailer here to see it yourself!

ARK: Survival Evolved Valguero Map Guide: Resource Locations, Bosses, & Dinos (2025)


How many bosses are on Valguero? ›

Up for a challenge while staying in Valguero? If so, travel to the Forsaken Oasis to fight three bosses – the Dragon, Manticore, and Megapithecus – simultaneously.

What map has the best Dinos in Ark? ›

8 Genesis Part 2

This map is home to some of the most proven dinos to tame, and one of the most picturesque environments in which to tame them. Its versatility between single-player and PVP certainly helps it be known as one of the best maps available in the game.

Where are all the Rex in Valguero? ›

They spawn all over the place. You can find them on flat ground in the chalkhills, near the beaver dams, on the coast near 50/50, near the metal mountain behind green (if your heading to the snow).

What is the command to list all Dinos on the map in Ark? ›

If you just want to see if a dino type is spawning you can use the console command getallstate <dino>_character_bp_c. If on solo play, press TAB twice to open the large console display, then type it in, and if any exist anywhere in the map they'll be listed there.

How many dinos per boss fight? ›

Boss Arenas are a core part of ARK: Survival Ascended, offering challenging trials against powerful bosses with up to 20 tamed dinosaurs. The Mammoth, Woolly Rhino, Therizinosaur, and Megatherium are recommended dinosaurs to use in boss fights, each with unique abilities and strengths.

What dinos don't spawn on Valguero? ›

Although Griffins were shown in the trailer for Valguero, they do not spawn on the map. Valguero is unique in having all the ocean creatures but no ocean surrounding the map.

Can you find Managarmr on Valguero? ›

Officially no, but the map creator has this extension mod.

Are there Wyverns in Valguero? ›

There will be fire and ice wyverns on Valguero apparently, but no poison or lightning.

What command kills all wild dinos? ›

Lb+Rb+start+select when the game is pause and that'll open up the admin command bar for you. Type in "cheat destroywilddinos" (without quotations). Keep in mind this will despawn every wild dino, even if they are unconscious or dead.

How do you spawn all wild Dinos in Ark? ›

Commands to Spawn Dinos

The two main commands are Summon and SpawnDino . The Summon command just creates the dino exactly where you're standing (for a split second, you will be overlapping), then it pops out. The dino level is random, and if it's a normally hostile dino, it's going to instantly attack you!

How to spawn all tek dinos? ›

So killing all the dinos in an area, including the tek ones, will promote respawns and offer a chance at a new tek appearing. However their spawn rates are quite low, so you may have to clear the area several times before you see another.

How many bosses are currently in Valheim? ›

There are six different bosses, and each appears in a different biome of the procedurally-generated world. Each boss also requires various resources to summon them to battle and different strategies to defeat them.

Is Valguero bigger than Ragnarok? ›

Valguero may be smaller just in surface area, but as Kitsune Shiro pointed out, it has depth with the underground areas.

How big is Valguero in Ark? ›

With new biomes, a formidable dungeon boss and mysterious ruins to discover, there is always something exciting - and dangerous - in Valguero. Among its more than 60 square kilometers, you'll find everything from lush jungles to environmental hazards, from snowfields to lava flows, to savannas and hot springs.

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